August 28, 2022 to September 1, 2022
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA
Europe/Belgrade timezone

A preliminary analysis regarding the impact of rainfall erosivity on arable irrigated and non-irrigated lands in Romania

Aug 30, 2022, 3:15 PM
Hall 644 (Faculty of Physics)

Hall 644

Faculty of Physics

Board: S10-MG-103
Oral presentation S10 Meteorology and Geophysics S10 Meteorology and Geophysics


Mr Bela Kobulniczky (Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)


The rainfall affects the condition of arable land and its agricultural productivity. This study aims to analyze the impact of rainfall erosivity on irrigated and non-irrigated arable land and to create relevant statistics on the differences observed over specific periods in Romania. The database is made up of historical data on rainfall erosivity from the European Soil Data Center in conjunction with land use data from Land Copernicus.

Primary author

Mr Bela Kobulniczky (Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Presentation materials