August 28, 2022 to September 1, 2022
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Dynamics of Entropy Production in Open Quantum Systems

Aug 29, 2022, 3:00 PM
Hall 301F (MI SASA)

Hall 301F


Board: S09-TMCP-102
Oral presentation S09 Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics S09 Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics


Prof. Aurelian Isar (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)


The Markovian time evolution of the entropy production rate is studied as a measure of irreversibility generated in a bipartite quantum system consisting of two coupled bosonic modes immersed in a common thermal environment. The dynamics of the system is described in the framework of the formalism of the theory of open quantum systems based on completely positive quantum dynamical semigroups, for initial two-mode squeezed thermal states, squeezed vacuum states, thermal states and coherent states. We show that the rate of the entropy production of the initial state and nonequilibrium stationary state, and the time evolution of the rate of entropy production, strongly depend on the parameters of the initial Gaussian state (squeezing parameter and average thermal photon numbers), frequencies of modes, parameters characterising the thermal environment (temperature and dissipation coefficient), and the strength of coupling between the two modes. We also provide a comparison of the behaviour of entropy production rate and Rényi-2 mutual information present in the considered system.

Primary authors

Prof. Aurelian Isar (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering) Ms Tatiana Mihaescu (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)

Presentation materials