S01 Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy
- Igor Celikovic (University of Belgrade, Institute for Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Serbia)
S01 Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy
- Dimitrije Maletić (Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade)
Geant4 is a toolkit for Monte Carlo simulations of the particle transport through matter. It has a complete set of routines for modelling particle trajectories and interactions: geometry and materials, physical processes, event generation, detector response and analysis and visualisation. It has been used in wide range of applications in high energy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as...
Over the years High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors proved to be an excellent practical tool and as such have established their todays wide use in low background γ-spectrometry. One of the advantages of gamma ray spectrometry is its easy sample preparation as chemical processing and separation of the studied subject in not required. Thus, with a single measurement one can simultaneously...
A different alternative approach to calculate the ratio of the surface to volume components of the nuclear symmetry energy is proposed in the framework of the coherent density fluctuation model (CDFM). An alternate expression (scheme II) for the ratio is derived consistently within the model. This expression appears in a form more direct and physically motivated than the expression (scheme I)...
The nuclei with few proton and neutron particles (holes) away from doubly-magic nuclei are the simplest nuclear systems in which both nuclear collectivity and the two-fluid nature of the nuclear matter can simultaneous be manifested. The relatively small number of valence particles (holes) allows the low-lying collective states in these nuclei to be described in the shell-model framework. The...
The interplay between single-particle and collective degrees of freedom is one of the most important and debated features in the study of the nuclear structure of medium mass nuclei. For neutron-rich nuclei with protons in the fp shell, nuclear structure observables indicate an onset of collectivity for neutron number N$\sim$40. Adding just a few particles/holes to the $^{68}$Ni core leads...
Through analytical arguments, numerical calculations and comparison with experimental data, we show that the ratio of high $p_{\perp}$ observables $v_2/(1-R_{AA})$ reaches a well-defined saturation value at high $p_{\perp}$, which depends on the spatial anisotropy of quark-gluon plasma formed in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. By using our recently developed DREENA framework, which can...
Neutral current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering cross sections on a $^{12}$C target are analyzed using a realistic spectral function $S(p,E)$ that gives a scaling function in accordance with the ($e,e'$) scattering data. The spectral function accounts for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations by using natural orbitals from the Jastrow correlation method and has a realistic energy...
A project for non-destructive assay (NDA) of radioactive waste at the Studsvik nuclear decommissioning site is presented. The concept is based on a novel 3D radiation imaging modality for special nuclear materials (SNM) - neutron-gamma emission tomography (NGET) that was first demonstrated for nuclear security applications [1,2]. NGET has been recognized by the Royal Swedish Academy of...
This article concerns an uncertainty and sensitivity investigation of certain parameters in the In-Vessel Melt Retention (IVMR) test case for VVER-1000/v320. It has been used the ICARE and CESAR modules of ASTECv2.2b severe accident computer code to describe the basic parameters behaviour and the main phenomena arising during the IVMR in VVER1000 reactor design. The external vessel water...
Retrospective/accidental dosimetry, seeks for materials that can be used as probes for the dose assessment, when there is no other available data, from personal or environmental monitoring, during nuclear accidents. When there is uncontrollable release of radiation, it is important to determine the dose of the exposed population, in order to take the corresponding measures to...
The aim of this study was determination of natural (226Ra, 232Th, 40K) and artificial (137Cs) radioactivity levels in thirty soil samples collected from different locations in Albania. The obtained results provides essential information concerning reference baseline concentrations of natural and artificial radioactive isotopes and environmental pollution. The main contributors of natural...