Elena Mirela Babalic
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
We study the first order infrared behavior of "tame" hyperbolizable two-field cosmological models, defined as those classical two-field models whose scalar manifold is a connected, oriented and topologically finite hyperbolizable Riemann surface and whose scalar potential admits a positive and Morse extension to its end compactification. We achieve this by determining the universal forms of the asymptotic gradient flow of the classical effective potential with respect to the uniformizing metric near all interior critical points and ends of that Riemann surface.
Primary authors
Calin-Iuliu Lazaroiu
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
Elena Mirela Babalic
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)