August 28, 2022 to September 1, 2022
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Nonlocal Gravity Model and its Cosmological Solutions

Sep 1, 2022, 3:40 PM
Hall 2 (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - SASA)

Hall 2

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts - SASA

Board: S03-GC-103
Oral presentation S03 Gravitation and Cosmology S03 Gravitation and Cosmology


Ivan Dimitrijević (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics)


A nonlocal gravity model

$ S = \frac 1{16\pi G} \int (R-2\Lambda+(R-4\Lambda)\mathcal{F}(\Box)(R-4\Lambda))\sqrt{-g} \mathrm d^4 x $

was recently introduced, and two exact cosmological solutions in flat space were presented.

One solution has similar properties to an interplay between the radiation and the dark energy, while the other one is a nonsingular time symmetric bounce. In this talk we investigate other possible exact cosmological solutions and find some new ones in nonflat space. Used nonlocal gravity dynamics can change background topology. To solve the corresponding equations of motion, we first look for a solution of the eigenvalue problem $\Box (R -4\Lambda) = q (R - 4\Lambda)$. We also discuss possible extension of this model with nonlocal operator symmetric under $\Box \longleftrightarrow \Box^{-1}$ and its connection with another interesting nonlocal gravity model.

This talk is based on joint work with Branko Dragovich, Zoran Rakić and Jelena Stanković.

Primary author

Ivan Dimitrijević (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics)

Presentation materials

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