Transmission lines are traditionally modelled by considering Heaviside’s elementary circuit that contains a resistor and inductor in the series branch, accounting for the energy losses and magnetic effects, while the shunt branch contains a resistor and a capacitor, accounting for the energy losses and capacitive phenomena. Classical telegrapher’s equations, modelling the signal propagation in...
The Markovian time evolution of the entropy production rate is studied as a measure of irreversibility generated in a bipartite quantum system consisting of two coupled bosonic modes immersed in a common thermal environment. The dynamics of the system is described in the framework of the formalism of the theory of open quantum systems based on completely positive quantum dynamical semigroups,...
Starting from a general completely integrable ‘diagonal’ equation in two dimensions and performing periodic reduction one can obtain coupled completely integrable equations. The idea is to consider that the independent discrete variable of the analyzed equation is in fact a diagonal in a two-dimensional (or d-dimensional) lattice. Imposing periodic reduction on the one such coordinate in that...
Shape and size are the basic characteristics of macroscopic, classical systems, and as such represent a special challenge within the fundamental problem of "transition from quantum to classical", but also the problem of quantum measurement. Propeller-shaped molecules are excellent candidates for analyzing the effects of size and shape because of the linear dependence of both the moment of...
The Enskog-Vlasov equation has proven successful in investigating fluids undergoing a phase change [1,2,3,4]. However, the numerical solution of this kinetic model is computationally demanding and, therefore, existing studies are restricted to one-dimensional planar flows or flows with cylindrical symmetry. In this work, a weighted particle scheme is developed for solving the Enskog–Vlasov...
We are concerned with completely integrable Hamiltonian systems and generalized action-angle coordinates in the setting of contact geometry. We investigate the deformations of the Sasaki--Einstein structures, keeping the Reeb vector field fixed, but changing the contact form. We examine the modifications of the action-angle coordinates by the Sasaki--Ricci flow. We then pass to the particular...