August 28, 2022 to September 1, 2022
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA
Europe/Belgrade timezone

Physical Parameters of Chocolate with the addition of Spirulina Platensis

Aug 29, 2022, 5:45 PM
Hall 301F (MI SASA)

Hall 301F


Board: S12-PSSAP-101
Oral presentation S12 Physics of Socioeconomic Systems and Applied Physics S12 Physics of Socioeconomic Systems and Applied Physics


Mr Georgi Gavrailov (Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Medical University of Varna)


The physicochemical properties of chocolate mass with 85% cocoa content and respectively content of 3%, 5%, and 10% of freshwater algae Spirulina Platensis have been studied. The algae are grown into a bioreactor in Varvara, Bulgaria. The present work aims to create an innovative chocolate product with appropriate physicochemical properties and organoleptic characteristics, contributing to the healthy nutrition of consumers. To achieve this goal, it developed a technological scheme for obtaining chocolate mass with Spirulina Platensis. Rheological, X-ray structural, and sensory analyses were performed. Data from reflective microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy were also obtained. X-ray analysis shows peaks of crystalline sucrose and cocoa. In addition to these peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern of the sample with 10% Spirulina Platensis content, some peaks may be due to complex crystals of the protein structure of freshwater algae.

The rheological curves of the samples show that the studied systems are non-Newtonian fluids. Increasing the concentration of Spirulina Platensis does not affect the stickiness, softness, and hardness. According to sensory analysis, the samples with 5% Spirulina Platensis have a pronounced sweet taste, and those with 3% - cocoa taste. Reflective microscope images were taken to examine the fracture section.

Acknowledgments This research was funded by "Development of a green phycocyanin manufacturing process from Spirulina with potential applications in pharmacy and food technology", grant number 21001.

Primary author

Mr Georgi Gavrailov (Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Medical University of Varna)


Mr Ivaylo Pehlivanov (Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Medical University of Varna) Prof. Galia Gentscheva (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Medical University of Pleven) Prof. Krastena Nikolova (Department of Physics and Biophysics, Medical University of Varna) Prof. Iliana Milkova-Tomova (Department of Nutrition and Tourism, University of Food Technology) Prof. Daniela Kovacheva (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Prof. Velichka Andonova (Department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Medical University of Varna)

Presentation materials